

26 November

8:30 - 9:15


9:15 - 9:30

Korean performance


Opening remarks

Dr. Asa Torkelsson, Chief, Seoul Representation Office, UNFPA

Dr. Hyoung Il Lee, Commissioner, KOSTAT

Dr. Diene Keita, Deputy Executive Director - Programme, UNFPA (online)

MP In-Young Lee, President, Korean Parliamentary League on Children, Population and Environment(CPE)

H.E. Hyung-hwan Joo, Vice Commissioner, Presidential Committee on Ageing Society and Population Policy

H.E. Hee-Sup Lee, Secretary General of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat


Keynote 1: Low fertility determinants and policy responses: key findings and principles

Moderator: Mr. Michael Herrmann, Advisor on Demographic Resilience, UNFPA

Dr. Tomas Sobotka, Vienna Institute of Demography


Coffee break


Session 1: Parental leave

Moderator: Mr. Laurent Toulemon, INED, France

Dr. Anna Kurowska, Vice-head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Labour Market and Family Dynamics (LabFam), University of Warsaw 

Prof. Allan Puur, Professor of Demography, Tallinn University, Estonia 

Dr. Boksil Lee, Chairperson, ESG Committee, Lotte Card Company

Dr. Kyunghee Kim, Director, Social Statistics Planning Division, KOSTAT

Ms. Karolina Andrian, President, Share the Care Foundation




Session 2: Supporting conditions for young people

Moderator: Mr. Michael Herrmann, UNFPA

Prof. Arnstein Aassve, Professor of Demography, Principal Investigator of FutuRes: A resilient Future for Europe, Bocconi University

Dr. In Do Hwang, Head (Deputy Director), Bank of Korea 

Prof. Agnese Vitali, Professor of Demography, University of Trento, Italy

Mr. Eunsup Jang, Division of Population Policy, Division of Population Policy Coordination, Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW)  

Prof. Ignacio Pardo, Senior Researcher, Universidad de la República, Uruguay


Coffee break


Session 3: Childcare

Moderator: Ms. Elizabeth Wilkins, UNFPA

Prof. Anna Rotkirch, Research Professor and Director, Population Research Institute of Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland

Ms. Aliona Cretu, Head of Unit for demographic policy, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Moldova

Ms Kim, Minah, Senior Manager, HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, RoK

Prof. Muzhi Zhou, Assistant Professor, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Guangzhou

Prof. Ki-Soo Eun, Professor of Sociology and Demography, Seoul National University

Organized by UNFPA


27 November


High-level government briefing: The present and future of the government's low fertility policies in Korea

Dr. Hye Mi You, Senior Secretary to the President for Population Policy, Office of the President, Republic of Korea


Keynote 2: Data for policy making in low-fertility contexts

Moderator: Dr. Alessio Cangiano, Acting Chief, Population and Development Branch

Prof. Melinda Mills, Director, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford


Session 4: Financial support for childbearing

Moderator: Prof. Eun Ki Soo, Seoul National University, RoK

Dr. Tomas Sobotka, Deputy Director, Vienna Institute of Demography

Mr. Laurent Toulemon, Senior Researcher, the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED)

Ms. Isabel Puig, CEO IKEA Korea

Ms. Li Rui, Advisor, Department of International Cooperation, National Health Commission, China

Prof. Seik Kim, Professor of Economics, Korea University


Coffee break


Session 5: Housing

Moderator: Prof. Stuart Gietel-Basten, Professor of Social Science & Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

Dr. Brian Buh, formerly Vienna Institute of Demography

Prof. Zhang Lei, Associate Professor and Vice Director, Peking University

Dr. Soyi Cheong, Research Fellow, Land & Housing Research Institute / Housing Welfare Research Lab, RoK 

Prof. Melinda Mills, Director, Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford 

Miss. Chantal Munthree, Director, National Statistics Office of South Africa (StatsSA)




Session 6: Gender and social norms

Moderator: Dr. Alessio Cangiano, Acting Chief, Population and Development Branch, UNFPA

Prof. Stuart Gietel-Basten, Professor of Social Science & Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

Ms. Jean Mackenzie, Seoul correspondent, BBC News

Dr. Gabriela Alvarez Minte, Regional Gender Advisor, UNFPA Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Dr. Setsuya Fukuda, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan 

Dr. Eun Ji Kim, Director of Devision for Planning and Coordination, Korean Women's Development Institute


Coffee break


Session 7: Assisted reproductive technologies

Moderator: Prof. Anna Rotkirch, Population Research Institute Väestöliitto, The Family Federation of Finland, Population Research Institute Väestöliitto, The Family Federation of Finland

Dr. Jasmin Passet-Wittig, Senior Researcher, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany 

Dr. Ester Lazzari, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital, University of Vienna 

Ms. Mijeom Yi, Team Lead, Seoul City

Dr. Gitau Mburu, Scientist, World Health Organisation

Dr. Lucy van de Wiel, Lecturer in Global Health and Social Medicine and Director of Reproduction Research Group, King’s College London


Closing of conference

Dr. ​​Ju Hyun Lee, Director General for Planning and Coordination, KOSTAT

Ms. Julia Bunting, Director of Programme Division, UNFPA